Migrate Postgresql Database Without Downtime

To practice this guide, the PostgreSQL version should be at least 9.6


First, set up a master-slave replication for PostgreSQL.
Then switch the slave server to the master.

Longer Story


In our case, the database is almost 300GB. It would take at least 3 hours to migrate to a new server, including export, transfer and import time.

Sometimes, it’s acceptable to shut down sites or apps for a short time to do some maintenance, but what if the data grows and the migration may take days or weeks?

For services in production, you would expect it always be online.

Yes, we hope we can keep the service online while transferring data and switch it in minutes.

Why Not Set a Master-Slave Replication Directly

I have checked How to Set-Up Master-Slave Replication for PostgreSQL 9.6 on Ubuntu 16.04 and tried many times of making replicas on the new server but always fail.

The errors look similar to requested WAL segment 00000001000001CD00000055 has already been removed.

After researching, I found that my database is too large, the transfer would take too much time, and the wal_keep_segments is insufficient for that long time of transferring files.

Quick Fix

Maybe it can be fixed by increasing wal_keep_segments to a greater number, but that introduces another problem: we need to calculate the proper number, enough to keep WAL files after the long and unsure time of data transfer, and not too big that would slow down the running service.
Of course, that’s not the best solution.

A Better Solution

Later, I found a more reliable and more robust solution in PostgreSQL’s mail list:

You could use -X stream instead of --xlog (which is an alias for -X fetch). This consumes two wal senders instead of one, but greatly reduces the probability of having this error.
The only way to really prevent this error is using replication slots, but the support for pg_basebackup is only available in 9.6.

Below, I will show you how to use replication slots and a stream to transfer the transaction log files(WAL files).

Step 1 - Enable Replication Slots on the Primary Database

PostgreSQL disables replication slots by default. We need to add some lines to the bottom of /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/postgresql.conf of the master database as below:

synchronous_standby_names = 'slave001'
wal_level = replica
hot_standby = on
max_wal_senders = 2
wal_keep_segments = 10
max_replication_slots = 2
synchronous_commit = local

Then restart the PostgreSQL service by service postgresql-9.6 restart.

Step 2 - Creating a Replication Slot

Connect to master PostgreSQL by sudo -u postgres psql
Then execute

select pg_create_physical_replication_slot('slot_for_migration', true);

We can check the progress by selecting the following:

select * from pg_replication_slots;

If you want to delete this slot later after migration, you can use this command:

'select pg_drop_replication_slot('slot_for_migration');

Use it after removing the initial prime if you know what this command would do.

Step 3 - Create a User for Replication

Run commands with psql as user postgres on the master side:


Add these lines below to master’s pg_hba.conf

# Localhost
host replication replica md5

# PostgreSQL Master IP address
host replication replica md5

# PostgreSQL SLave IP address
host replication replica md5

Then restart the PostgreSQL server.

Step 4 - Transfer Data From Another Data Center

Now, run on the slave server:

pg_basebackup -h -p 5432 -S slot_for_migration -U replica -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data --checkpoint=fast -R -P -X stream

It would ask you to type the password.
Now, you need to wait until it finishes syncing. This step is very time-consuming, and usually takes hours or even days.

Step 5 - Restart The Slave PostgreSQL Server

After syncing is finished, run service postgresql-9.6 restart. There should be a sync before the standby server is up and running. It wouldn’t take too much time if you didn’t leave the console too long after step 4.

We are almost there. Now, we can connect to the server by psql and do some checks to ensure our data are the latest.

Step 6 - Promote the Slave to Master Like a King

Finally, we still need to promote our slave postgresql server to master before we finish our database migration.

pg_ctl promote -D

Thanks & References

Thank you for reading. I hope that helps.

If you have any concerns or if you have a better solution for PostgreSQL database migration, please leave me a comment. That would help others. Thank you.

PostgreSQL Replication Server Configuration Document